IU Politely Rejects Admission Offers from Top Korean Universities

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Many top universities are trying their best to get a hold of IU as she is approaching the age of a college

Earlier this year, IU annouced that she will not be attending a university after she graduates from high school this year. Disregarding this news, many top notch universities such as Seoul University, Hanyang University, and Korea University have been sending special admission offers to IU believing that having IU as
one of their students will help improve their public relations.

Unfortunately for these universities, IU rejected these offers - she wants to get accepted into a university of her choice on her own without any special help just like what everyone else has to go through during the college admission process. An aquaintance of IU told the reporters, "IU has a specific major that she wants to get into. She will become a college student on her own when the time is right for her."

On MBC's "Golden Fishery - Radio Star" that aired in March earlier this year, IU stated, "If I attend a university right now, I probably won't be able to keep up with the other students - I want to wait until I'm ready for that stage in life." In addition, after a false rumor regarding how IU accepted a special admission offer from a university spread on the internet, IU immediately posted, "I will attend a university when I feel that I'm ready to do so! I'm not ready yet," on her fan page to stop the rumor.


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