[Super Junior] # 1 pilripinseo nine consecutive record sales! "For the first time '

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Super Junior in the Philippines' eumbanking "was crowned with.

The 27th Philippine Daily et al, "Super Junior" Mr. Simple 'total sales topped the Philippine music. These 9 times in the Philippines for the first time in history a continuous record sales set a record for wiran, "he said.

Last year, Super Junior 'miinah' which is the primary source of the Philippines up to 2010, the best songs released by MYX 'second place ranking, the best K-POP artist has collected the topic Named: This time, Mr. Simple 'is a total music sales climbing above them once again proved popular.

Super Junior Eunhyuk - Sea the 'Outing brother' has progressed to the unit activities. 'Outing brother' in the country, as well as getting hot reaction KKBOX 2 위까지 occupy Taiwan has demonstrated staying power.

sorry if someone has not translated!

Via sports.chosun.com
Editor sintia apriliani


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