[SUPER JUNIOR] Kyuhyun scores Hyorin’s phone number on ‘Radio Star’

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sistar member Hyorin handed over her number to Super Junior member Kyuhyun on TV.
On the June 13th installment of MBC’s ‘Radio Star’, Hyorin handed her phone number to
MC Kyuhyun right on the spot.
On the program, Kyuhyun revealed that he asked for Hyorin’s number trying to set up a get-together for ‘Immortal Song 2′ and got Hyorin’s manager’s number instead.
Kyuhyun said, “Hyorin gave me her manager’s number instead of her cell phone number” and Hyorin explained flustered, “It was a short while after I debuted so the (management) company was very nervous. I wanted to go but at the company somehow they knew already and told me not to go.”
The MC’s took the opportunity to hand a piece of paper to Hyorin encouraging her to give Kyuhyun her number.
Hyorin looked flustered but still wrote down her number on the piece of paper and handed it to Kyuhyun bringing laughter on the set and to the viewers.

Image: MBC ‘Radio Star’
Source: MK via Nate


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